UI Design/Visual Design, CSS
The University of Washington and the UW Alumni Association both needed a modernized email system that looked great on all screen sizes. I designed a system for newsletters, event promotion and more text-heavy communications that modernized and greatly improved the experience for desktop and mobile users. The individual modules are interchangeable to allow flexibility that meets the needs of each communication. Below are a few of the template wireframes and a sampling of emails using the flexible system.
UI Design/Visual Design, CSS
InDesign, Photoshop
Here are a few examples of the many emails that have been created with this email template system. Scroll down further to see several of the template wireframes.
The newsletter system combines one-, two-, three- and four-column modules, along with callout sections, full-width images and copy blocks. Shown here are three versions for desktop and their corresponding mobile versions.
The single event promotion email system was designed to encourage recipients to register for events. Several variations are shown here.
The single event promotion email system was designed to encourage recipients to register for events. Several variations are shown here.